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Message from the Dean

With a fast-changing world comes challenges. With challenges comes opportunity. An opportunity to change the educational experience, to challenge the norm while sticking to the mission: advancing lives, improving communities, and contributing to a better world.

Education is not just about knowledge, skills, solving, and providing. It is more than that. it is about developing and advancing our students’ knowledge, skills, and capabilities to rise to the occasion. To act rather than react. A proactive educational institution portends changes and enacts the changes that matter to remain responsive to the changing needs of people and communities.

To change the things that truly need change is the primary mission of PU. The college is committed to creating an adaptive holistic learning experience making it on par with technological advancements. You are not only a valid student but also a symbol of hope and inspiration for the journey ahead. This is not just a claim. It is an oath. A promise.

The faculty and staff at the College of Engineering will be honored to have your trust, as a member of the PU community, in meeting and keeping that promise.

Dr. Ahmad Smaili, PhD