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The Center for Continuing Education (CCE) at Phoenicia University (PU) is a vibrant department which fulfills the University’s mission in:

  • making education accessible to a wider audience,
  • equipping current employees with up-to-date knowledge and in-demand skills, and
  • supporting organizations in their Research and Development (R&D), human resourcing, and sustainable growth tasks.

In a rapidly changing world and market, the CCE supports organizations in their continuous effort to meet challenges and maintain a work environment, where human capital, sustainable growth, and knowledge transfer are optimized through our world-class curriculum delivered within a common development platform.

The CCE crafts programs tailored to your company’s specific objectives, goals, and needs. Through a collaborative partnership, we create short courses, professional development sessions, and aim-oriented workshops that are customized to your company’s own settings and context, where the training program starts with a Training Need Assessment (TNA) to inform a well-designed and aligned education process and concludes with individual and institutional comprehensive assessment reports.


Our Trainers’ Portfolio

PU has so far attracted a pool of highly qualified consultants, trainers, and practitioners who are available to work with your organization toward building and sustaining a repertoire of best practices. Our trainers:

  • hold high academic qualifications and certifications from world-renowned institutions,
  • have years of experience in training and exemplifying best practice at national, regional, and international levels,
  • are good listeners as much as they are good teachers, taking on board all your concerns, suggestions, and feedback, and
  • are highly experienced, motivating the trainees towards self-directed learning so that their lifelong learning journey starts once our program concludes.