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Phoenicia University Alumni Association (PUAA)

The Phoenicia University Alumni Association (PUAA) is a member-focused organization dedicated to fostering strong bonds of loyalty among alumni of Phoenicia University. By enhancing alumni engagement, PUAA strengthens communication, provides support, and enriches alumni experiences, ultimately enhancing the lives of its members.

The goals of PUAA are to:

  • Foster alumni leadership.
  • Create an alumni volunteer base.
  • Establish a worldwide alumni network.
  • Embrace the mission and vision of PU.
  • Highlight the achievements of PU alumni.
  • Ensure that the association is well-structured and organized.
  • Serve and support the alumni, PU, and the community at large.
  • Promote collaboration between the association and the Alumni Relations Office.
  • Establish and maintain a strong, mutually beneficial relationship among alumni, students, friends, and PU.

PUAA is guided by an advisory board that oversees the association, assists in implementing strategies to achieve goals, and promotes alumni involvement.