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Terms of Reference (TOR)


  • Preface: Lending advice and providing feedback on various academic operations of COE at PU.
  • Membership: 7 to 10 members representing the four disciplines offered in the COE. Members could be from the public and private sectors in addition to academic representatives.
  • Term: Members serve for a period of 3 years.
  • Chairperson: The Dean of the College of Engineering chairs the External Advisory Board.
  • Schedule: Meetings are held once to twice per year for a period of 1 to 2 hours.
  • Responsibilities of EAB Members:
    • Give feedback on degree plans.
    • Provide/support/guide the COE in finding internship opportunities for students.
    • Provide/support/guide the COE in finding job opportunities for students.
    • Give feedback on students’ performance in the marketplace.
    • Give feedback on vision, mission, Program Educational Objectives (PEOs), and Student Outcomes (SOs).
    • Identify opportunities for students’ scholarships.
    • Identify sponsors for students’ competitions, etc.
    • Recommend/identify design themes for final-year projects.
    • Identify research needs in Lebanon and the region.